5 Happy Hacks for Surrendering in 2020
The path of least resistance. Do you ever feel like the things you want most are only attainable via an uphill battle and your greatest accomplishments are the ones you had to fight tooth and nail for? Now take a minute and think about some of the most amazing moments in your life that you DIDN’T have to fight for, those moments that appeared seemingly out of thin air. The phone call you received with an offer of an amazing opportunity. The help that arrived just when you needed it. The moments of happiness that turned your day around. Aren’t they just as important? *Maybe* even more important than some of those battles you fought so hard for. It recently dawned on me that I have spent a lot of my time putting boulders in my way and then trying to break through them because I was sooo sold on this idea that if it wasn’t hard, it wasn’t worth it. Well, I was wrong. Because the most beautiful parts of my life and the biggest gifts haven’t been hard. They have been really really easy. So this year I have chosen the word SURRENDER to guide me through 2020. I am surrendering to the path of least resistance. So, let’s get the ball rolling “Happy Hacks” style.
Here are my 5 Happy Hacks for Surrendering in 2020:
1. Think before you react. Sounds easy, but it can be very difficult to do. Surrendering to a moment and taking it in before responding can make a world of difference.
2. Surrender to yourself. Sit quietly and do nothing, even if only for a couple of minutes a day. Give yourself permission to do nothing, especially if this feels like a waste of time or counterproductive (speaking from experience here). It will help keep your battery charged.
3. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Every time you come down on yourself, ask the question, “If this was someone else, would I feel the same way?” Chances are you aren’t holding others up to the impossibly high standards you are setting for yourself.
4. Trust yourself. I’ve a fan of making a list of “pros” and “cons” - HOWEVER it’s just as important to feel into a decision. How does the choice make you FEEL? Trust yourself enough to pay attention to your “gut” and your instincts, you have them for a reason.
5. Give yourself the gift of Happiness - This is my favorite! Allow yourself to be happy! Surrender to the moments of joy, look for happiness everywhere. I really mean everywhere… it’s ok to have a bad day, but if you can take moments of that day and turn them around with a positive thought or intention, you are breaking down those boulders one moment at a time. Sometimes it is that one moment that can make all the difference.
I selected these Hacks because they are my personal boulders to crush, but I have a feeling that I’m not the only one who can benefit from them. I hope you will give them a try, and let me know how it goes! I’ll just be over here surrendering my way through 2020 and beyond!