Welcome to Happy Hacks!
Wow! It feels soooo good to welcome you to Happy Hacks. It’s hard to know where to start because there is so much I want to share, but let me first start with thank you. If you are reading this, you must (like me) be on the search for more happy in your day.
There is always room for more happiness. Some days may be more trying than others and that is where the real challenge begins. Sometimes just injecting a moment of happiness can be the catalyst to turn a bad day around. Sometimes injecting a moment of happy may not turn your day around, BUT it will turn that moment around, and that’s good too. The more we mindfully practice happiness, the more happiness will show up in our lives. So what is there to lose?! My goal is to bring you resources for happy making. I’m hacking happiness one moment at a time and sharing it here on my blog. If you get even a moment of happiness out of it, then it’s a success. But I’m going for as many moments as possible so stay tuned!